Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Getting to Know you

Greetings, Library Community. I hope my co-workers at FCPL can figure out who I am from my Blog title. ILLBookbuyer. That pretty accurately describes what I do here, at least the major part of what I do. Like most of you, I wear about 15 hats! If you have any questions to ask me, you better email me, call me, or come to my desk because once I push the button to "post" this thing, I may never be able to figure it out again!


Lesa said...

Funny, I don't think of you as the ILL bookbuyer, but as the first person I got to know at FCPL, who was so nice to me, and made me feel so at home . . . and who also does the ILL's - Lesa :-)

ILLBookbuyer said...

Thanks, Lesa.

Victoria said...

I am so glad that we've been told to post comments to the blogs of others this week. I wanted to second Lesa's motion a week ago but wasn't sure if it was permitted to do so....I think of you as a kind, tender-hearted person, too. All those years ago when I did a day of training at Spectrum Drive, you approached me as I sat alone eating my lunch at a picnic table. That was such a pure, thoughtful, caring, compassionate gesture on your part. I have never forgotten it. And during the ILL Users Group session, it occurred to me that this is your way -- you never fail to walk in the shoes of others to appreciate their lot in life.