Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 9, Thing 23 - CONCLUSION

This was a great experience, even though it was somewhat frustrating at times. There are things that I will continue to use, particularly the wiki for ILL info. As soon as I finish the 23 Things, I can get back to work on that. I also thought the web word processing applications were interesting and very handy for working on things in a couple of different places. Most of the "Things" presented were new to me and made me tax my brain to figure out how they worked. I guess that's the point of the whole exercise. I had particular trouble trying to redo the Librarything widget on my blog. It was there and then poof - it wasn't. I didn't realize it was gone until checking each blog in preparation to finish the exercise. Then when I tried to recreate it, I couldn't. So there's only the url address there.
The timing could have been better - summer is pretty hectic around here. I think with people taking time off and then being somewhat short-staffed when others take off, we're a little stretched for time.
Because I have the dinosaur dial-up at home, I can't see that much of what I learned will benefit me there, but at least I've had a little introduction to what's available and I really appreciate that. Hopefully at some future date, I may spring for high-speed internet at home.
Thanks for a really fun (although sometimes exasperating) learning experience. I think I'd do it again.

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